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OfSTED & Others...

End that sinking feeling and the sleepless nights!

With New-ID you will feel confident to deliver a positive and celebratory message to external agencies, whilst being secure in identifying the areas in which you are seeking to make further progress. Using the OfSTED framework as a tool for identifying success we will help you and your team to articulate the excellence of your organisation.

Using our three-step approach we:


Identify - Benchmarking against OfSTED / ISI / SIAMS framework, review SEF, root-cause analyses and diagnostics;

Innovate - Creative rehearsal and simulation, USP for organisation, broaden reach;

Inspire - Performance coaching for leaders, confidence-building and positive feedback.


Our approach works best in the following areas:

  • Presentation

  • Innovation (with reference to school improvement)

  • Building confidence

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